Personal guidance and coaching

Whilst psychological therapy can be helpful for many people, some of us might not ‘’neatly fit in’ within the scope of traditional forms of psychological therapy and what professionals view as ‘’clinical need’’. Indeed, we might not be in any pressing need defined by clinical terminology. Equally we might not suit or benefit from such approach if our focus is aligned more with the areas of self-fulfilment, personal growth or job-satisfaction. Gladly much of psychological theory, evidence-based research and neuro-psychology applications extend beyond ‘’therapy’’ and into the areas of:

- holistic psychology of personal growth

- personal improvement & goal accomplishment

- finding life’s purpose and job-satisfaction and work-fulfilment

- achieving desired personal change

- developing more conscious and ‘’deliberate mindset’’

The applications can range from finding a better life-work balance, helping you become more fulfilled or grow your business without stress or in spite of it. Whilst life will throw its curve balls whether at home, work or anywhere else, personal guidance and coaching can not only help you overcome these but grow beyond them.