
Dating Psychologist: This Is Why Happy Men Will STILL CHEAT In A Relationship | Sadia Khan

“They can love you but have unmet needs. And with men, because communication isn't their forte, they don't like to communicate what these unmet needs are. So they outsource them.”

“If you can make quality time to ask more open-ended questions to your partner, it makes a world of a difference.”

“If you want to know someone's having an affair, you have to look at your emotional connection with each other. If you have an emotional connection with each other where on a daily basis you're connecting, you're speaking to each other, you are emotionally, physically, spiritually connected, it's difficult for that person to stray without you realizing, you'll notice within a day or two.”

“It's always good to identify your own red flags so you don't have to control people.”

“When you are insecure, you'd rather be right than be happy, unfortunately. So you'd rather predict all the problems, [...] and self-sabotage than just trust the process and accept you might be wrong.”

“Insecurity is when you bring this baggage with you in every relationship, in every situation. It's familiar. You do this a lot. Don't confuse intuition and insecurity.”

“Try not to punish people for things that they didn't do or didn't cause in you.”


The Love Expert: Why Women Are Addicted To Toxic Men,"Have A Boring Relationship Instead!" Logan Ury


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